It was announced on the television show "The Drs" earlier today that Somnio is running a Wear Tester Program!
If you head over here you can apply to be a "Wear tester" and get a pair of awesome, high quality running shoes for your feedback! (These are $135+ shoes!)
From what I have heard and read about these they are pretty incredible. Note -- the site is moving slowly.
Program requirements:
- Agrees to return shoes upon request
- Must live in the United States and be able to receive packages delivered by FedEx
- Must be 18 or older
- Must have regular access to the internet and a valid e-mail address
- Agrees to use shoes only for walking or running during testing phase (no lawn mowing, rock climbing, etc.)
- Able to provide detailed, helpful, and timely feedback effectively via email or phone
- Is honest, critical and wants to create a better Somnio shoe!
Thanks, Kimmy!
Hiya! I am curious if you attract a lot of traffic to this journal?